Parliament and COVID-19


Nikhil Pandeya

Lavinia Chui ⋅ Khalida Elsadati ⋅ Gabrielle Glasier ⋅ Elliot Grenier ⋅ Alec Mazurek ⋅ Charlotte Sarvesvaran ⋅ Katie Campbell

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, legislatures around the world have struggled to fulfill their governmental duties while adapting to physical distancing mandates and stay-at-home protocols. Our research examines how Canada’s House of Commons has operated during the pandemic, and what the implications are of introducing a hybrid Parliament model in Canada. Our work focuses on issues of constitutionality and parliamentary procedure, problems of representation, the operations of Crown corporations, and more broadly the challenges that arise out of the shift towards digital democracy in Canada during the era of COVID-19.

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